Top things to do in Bielsk Podlaski (Poland)

Discover the Hidden Treasures of Bielsk Podlaski

Are you looking for a charming, historic town that has a lot to offer for travelers? Look no further than Bielsk Podlaski, a small town in northeastern Poland that is full of surprises. From its stunning architecture to its rich history, Bielsk Podlaski offers a unique and unforgettable experience for visitors. In this guide, we will take you through the top tourist attractions in the city.

Góra Zamkowa

Góra Zamkowa is a hill located in the center of Bielsk Podlaski that offers a breathtaking view of the city. The hill was once the site of a castle that dates back to the 14th century. Today, visitors can explore the ruins of the castle and enjoy the panoramic view of the city from the top of the hill.


Ratusz w Bielsku Podlaskim im. Marii Chomaniuk

The Ratusz is the town hall in Bielsk Podlaski. It is named after Maria Chomaniuk, a local teacher who was active in the resistance movement during World War II. The building is a beautiful example of neo-Gothic architecture and is located in the heart of the city. Visitors can take a guided tour of the town hall and learn about the history of the city.


Dwór Smulskich z końca XIX w.

The Smulski Manor is a historic building that dates back to the late 19th century. It was once the home of the Smulski family, who were wealthy landowners in the area. Today, the manor has been restored and is open to visitors. The building is a beautiful example of neoclassical architecture and features a stunning garden.


Grodzisko z wczesnego średniowiecza

The Grodzisko is an ancient settlement that dates back to the early Middle Ages. It is located on the top of Góra Zamkowa, and visitors can explore the ruins of the settlement and learn about the history of the area. The Grodzisko is a must-see for anyone interested in history and archaeology.


Cerkiew z 1789 r.

The Cerkiew is a Greek Orthodox church that was built in 1789. It is one of the oldest churches in Bielsk Podlaski and is a beautiful example of traditional Orthodox architecture. Visitors can admire the ornate decorations and learn about the history of the church.


Osada z wczesnego średniowiecza

The Osada is another ancient settlement that dates back to the early Middle Ages. It is located near Góra Zamkowa, and visitors can explore the ruins of the settlement and learn about the daily life of the people who lived there. The Osada is a fascinating glimpse into the past and is a great place for history buffs to visit.


Kapliczka z 1863 r.

The Kapliczka is a small chapel that was built in 1863. It is located on Ogrodowa Street and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a moment to admire the chapel's ornate decorations and enjoy a peaceful moment of reflection.


Dom z XIX w.

The Dom is a historic building that dates back to the 19th century. It is located on 3 Maja Street and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a guided tour of the building and learn about the history of the city.


Mur z dwiema basztami i bramą z 1866 r.

The Mur is a historic wall that was built in 1866. It surrounds the old town of Bielsk Podlaski and features two towers and a gate. Visitors can walk along the wall and enjoy the beautiful views of the city.


Klasztor pokarmelicki z 1784 r.

The Klasztor is a Carmelite monastery that was built in 1784. It is located on Świrki i Wigury Street and features a beautiful chapel and gardens. Visitors can take a guided tour of the monastery and learn about the history of the Carmelite order.



The Mural is a stunning piece of street art that was created by local artists. It is located on Adama Mickiewicza Street and features a beautiful depiction of the city's history and culture.


Pomnik św. Jana Pawła II

The Pomnik is a monument that was erected in honor of Pope John Paul II. It is located on Tadeusza Kościuszki Street and features a beautiful statue of the Pope.


Oficyna z początku XIX w.

The Oficyna is a historic building that dates back to the early 19th century. It is located on Świrki i Wigury Street and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a guided tour of the building and learn about the history of the city.


Kościół farny z 1783 r.

The Kościół is a beautiful baroque church that was built in 1783. It is located on Kościelna Street and features stunning paintings and sculptures. Visitors can attend a church service or take a guided tour of the church.


Kapliczka z początku XIX w.

The Kapliczka is a small chapel that dates back to the early 19th century. It is located on Adama Mickiewicza Street and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a moment to admire the chapel's ornate decorations and enjoy a peaceful moment of reflection.


Studnia z początku XX w.

The Studnia is a historic well that dates back to the early 20th century. It is located on Plac Ratuszowy and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a moment to admire the well and learn about the history of the city.


Dom z 1909 r.

The Dom is a historic building that was built in 1909. It is located on Kościelna Street and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a guided tour of the building and learn about the history of the city.


Kaplica cmentarna z 1859 r.

The Kaplica is a small chapel that was built in 1859. It is located in the local cemetery and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a moment to admire the chapel's ornate decorations and pay their respects to the deceased.


Karczma z XIX Kinniego Zimmera

The Karczma is a historic inn that was built in the 19th century. It is located on Henryka Sienkiewicza Street and is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. Visitors can enjoy traditional Polish food and drink in a cozy atmosphere.


Drewniana kamienica

The Kamienica is a historic wooden building that dates back to the 19th century. It is located on Plac Ratuszowy and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a guided tour of the building and learn about the history of the city.


Kaplica z przełomu XIX i XX w.

The Kaplica is a small chapel that was built in the late 19th or early 20th century. It is located on Adama Mickiewicza Street and is a beautiful example of traditional Polish architecture. Visitors can take a moment to admire the chapel's ornate decorations and enjoy a peaceful moment of reflection.


Cerkiew sprzed 1789 r.

The Cerkiew is a Greek Orthodox church that was built before 1789. It is located on Adama Mickiewicza Street and is a beautiful example of traditional Orthodox architecture. Visitors can admire the ornate decorations and learn about the history of the church.


Cerkiew z XVII lub XVIII w.

The Cerkiew is another Greek Orthodox church that dates back to the 17th or 18th century. It is located on Jagiellońska Street and is a beautiful example of traditional Orthodox architecture. Visitors can admire the ornate decorations and learn about the history of the church.